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Site Details


Check Measure

How many Units?
Check Measure Total: $100.00


Units Below 96"
How many units are Manual?
How many units have DC Motors?
How many units have AC Motors?
Units Above 96"
How many units are Manual?
How many units have DC Motors?
How many units have AC Motors?
Special Blinds
How many Nimbus/Atlas Shades?
Motorization Charges
How many controllers would you like programmed?
How many smart hubs and interfaces would you like programmed?
How many smart devices would you like programmed?
How many additional rooms would you like setup?
Additional Charges
How many units require mounting into Steel/Concrete?
How many feet of side and bottom channels do you have?
Are any shades to be installed over 10 ft, but less than 16 ft?
Are any shades to be installed over 16 ft?
How many previously installed shades require removal and disposal?
Do you live in a Condo?
Installation Total: $100.00

Travel Costs

How many trips are outside our Service Area?
How many km for trips outside of Service Area?
Total Parking Fees?
Check Measure Total: $0.00

Total Costs

Check Measure + Installation + Travel Costs: $0.00

(+Tax & Shipping)

Notes: Gemini Dual Shades count as two shades for Installation